Rubbish collections

Rubbish is collected on Thursday mornings usually sometime between 6.30am and 10.30am.  Rubbish (black sacks and orange recycling bags) should only be put out after 8.00pm on Wednesday nights. Please do not put rubbish out at any other time during the week as it encourages foxes and fly tipping, and Lambeth may issue you with a warning notice.

Bulky waste 

Collected separately and a charge is made. To arrange collection contact:

Tel: 020 7926 9000 


Garden waste 

Collected every Thursday. You have to sign up and pay an annual fee for this service. Contact details as above.

Dump/recycling stations

Please note that the reciprocal arrangement allowing Lambeth residents to use Southwark's Old Kent Road dump/recycling centre has now ENDED.  The nearest Lambeth facility is in Wandsworth:

Lambeth - Smugglers Way reuse and recycling centre

Address: Wandsworth, SW18 1JS

Opening times:

Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Saturday 8am to 6pm

Sunday 8am to 5pm

Closed Christmas day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day

Prince's Ward Councillor Advice Surgeries

First Saturday of the month, 10am-11am

Carmelita Centre, 41 Vauxhall Walk, SE11 5JT 

Third Saturday of the month, 10am-11am

Whitgift TRA Centre, 125 Lambeth Walk, SE11 6EE

Fourth Wednesday of the month, 6.30pm-7.30pm

Durning Library, 167 Kennington Lane, SE11 4HF

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