Welcome to the website of your local Residents' Association. The Association is open to all those who live in Cleaver Square, Cleaver Street and Bowden Street, London SE11. 

News and events

Save the date: Carols in the Square Thursday 19 December 2024 from 7.30pm

Charlie's Patch 
We've managed to raise enough money to redevelop our little community garden in Bowden Street. This started life in 2012 as some guerrilla gardening by residents on an unloved patch of waste ground, opposite the house in which Charlie Chaplin once lived. Thanks to support from Lambeth council and Berkeley Homes, plus our residents' association and Heart of Kennington Residents' Association, we hope to carry out the work this autumn.  We'll be discussing outline plans with residents to ensure that everyone has the chance to have some input. If anyone wants more details in the meantime, please email pennyrc@btinternet.com. 

The book swap in the square on Saturday 8 June 2024 went very well with many books being swapped and just over ÂĢ200 raised for local families in need. A further ÂĢ163 was raised for Oxfam as leftover books were taken to their shop in Victoria. 

Rake up day
A big thank you to everyone who helped out at our spring clean/rake up on Saturday 13 April 2024.  Lots of hard work, but it makes a big difference. 

Thank you, too, to those who took part in the plant swap (bringing along contributions ranging from small seedlings to a large olive tree!). It went very well - lots of happy recipients and a good amount donated for the local foodbank. 

Past posts
Our annual Carols in the Square event on 19 December 2023 was a great success. We managed to raise just over ÂĢ2,200 for the Kennington Association's Secret Santa Appeal for local families in need.  Thanks are due to the wonderful Fever Pitch choir, all the residents who helped set the event up and served mulled wine and mince pies, and those who gave so generously to the collection, both in person and online. 

A big thank you to everyone who helped out at our recent autumn rake up/clean up on 7 October  in the square and local streets, and with pruning, clearing and bulb planting on Charlie's Patch in Bowden Street.  Some of the volunteers are shown taking a well-earned coffee break in the photo below. Date for our spring clean up t.b.c.

👑👑👑A wonderful time was had by all at the residents' Coronation party on 7 May 2023. Many thanks to everyone who helped with the preparations and clear up, and to St Anselm's church and Roots & Shoots for lending tables.  Thanks also to Beefeater Gin, our wonderful local distillery, for the generous donation of their excellent gin, a key ingredient in our legendary Cleaver Crush cocktail.  All proceeds from the day were given to the local foodbank. 👑👑👑
Other activities
Spring cleaning in the square and autumn tidy ups - held every April and October. Look out for details (see above). 

Vauxhall Foodbank - we regularly take donations of tins and packets of food to the local foodbank. Please buy an extra tin or packet next time you are shopping and leave it in the bag in the bin store down the steps of 3 Cleaver Square. Alternatively, local large supermarkets all have boxes for donations.

Residents' Supper Club - a regular get together at a local restaurant.  Dates advertised above.  All residents welcome - it's a great way to meet your neighbours. Use the Contact Us form to get on the mailing list. 

Join Us

If you're new to the area, welcome! We hope you find this website useful. Do get in touch with the Association by using our Contact Us form so we can say hello and put you on the email list and WhatsApp group to be kept up to date with local news, events and activities.  

Above: Carols in the square, with the Fever Pitch choir. To date over ÂĢ18,000 has been raised for charity at these annual events.